Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Journey to The Heart of Music

I absolutely love music, not very gifted at it, but love to listen to music and try to play! A few years back though my idea of music changed a whole bunch. I used to listen to all the top songs on the radio and a few other indie artists. I realized after a while that music affects your heart more than you'd think. I saw that the messages of the songs I listened to were actually something I did not want to be singing about. In everything we do we are worshiping or praising something or someone. I saw some things I needed to change,so I set off on finding some new music. It didn't go so well at first. Slowly, but surely I finally did find some music.
My next few blog posts I will share with you a few of the music artists I found!

"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
   Praise the LORD."-Psalm 150

1 comment:

  1. Mhmm, looking forward to your next post - I love hearing about the new music you find :)
